Friday, October 14, 2011

If You're Still Breathing...

Occasionally I get to “thinking deep” as my husband says, and this morning, I thought I’d share my latest “deep thoughts” with you.

I recently read a quote by Andy Andrews from the book, The Noticer.
He said:
“If you are breathing, you are still alive.
If you are still alive, then you are still here, physically on this planet
If you are still here, then you have not completed what you were put on earth to do.
If you have not completed what you were put on earth to do…
that means your very purpose has not yet been fulfilled.
If your purpose has not yet been fulfilled, then the most important part of your life has not yet been lived.
And if the most important part of your life has not yet been lived…
then the most important part of your life is ahead of you; then even during the worst times,
one can be assured that there is more laughter ahead, more success to look forward to,
more children to teach and help, more friends to touch and influence.
There is proof of hope…there is more.”
"The most important part of your life has not yet been lived." 

So, the way I see it,
Grab the arm of a friend and face each new day with determination and a smile.

But what stops us from being happy with our lives?  Part of the problem, as I see it, is that too often we lose focus—and maybe we also lose hope—and float through life without realizing….or without living as if we realize…that we have a purpose for being here.   And, as Mr. Andrews says, if we haven’t fulfilled that purpose, then we still have that…along with a lot of laughs & success, to look forward to.

Now, I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you think your purpose is life is.  Also, does it matter to you what that purpose might be as long as you’re contributing in a positive way to the world?


  1. Sandy,

    I love that quote. It's very meaningful and positive. I never thought of the "rest of your life life" that way. I don't specifically think about why I'm here but I'm glad I am and since I am, I try to be the best wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend I can be. The older I get I find that love and friendships have more meaning.

    Marilyn Baron

  2. Good morning, Marilyn,
    I don't think too many people stop living long enough to think about the rest of their lives and why they're still here. We're too busy.

    Oh, yes, the older I get the more I realize how precious life, friends, kids...Grandkids...really are. People are what's really important in life.
